Clark Addis

a portfolio:


the septem:

in which i invent and use a base seven clock for two weeks

internal combustion:

in which i replaced the pistons in an engine with sparkplugs


in which people were allowed to title my narrative with sticky notes

laser tetris:

in which i used a laser to make tetris. people played it on the wall

Cuando Papi Flew... :

in which i co-create with artist Nestor Gil using sparkplugs, inner tube and butterflies


in which i reimagine street signs

portable internet:

in which i made an internet that you can cut, paste, and assemble

the bread commandments:

in which i laser cut into bread the instructions on how to make it

an older portfolio:

in which my more traditional pieces are highlighted


now in billions of emoji:

with Thomas Williams, I post an emoji daily to instagram for a year; :) to :(.

now in billions of colors:

with Thomas Williams, I post one color a day to instagram for three years.

clark time:

in which i am a clock. here's a video.

draw their professor:

in which i graffiti draw your prof with a request to create a page for my professor.


  1. Addis, Rojas, & Arrieta, Connecting the branches of multistable non-Euclidean origami by crease stretching 2023

  2. Addis, Koh, & Gordon, Preparation and characterization of a bio-based polymeric wood adhesive derived from linseed oil 2020

some places:

here's everywhere i am on the internet.

quake books

sometimes i read a book that makes me realize i'm looking at the world completely wrong. in other words, they caused view quakes. here's my list, in no particular order. hopefully, they cause you to question everything you hold dear.